Exhibit ongoing due to popular demand!
This exhibit will be extended beyond April. Don’t miss out!
As part of the April Architecture Adventures sponsored by Davis County Museums, Kaysville – Fruit Heights Museum of History and Art is exhibiting a show featuring William Robert Allen, Kaysville Architect. The exhibit celebrates the many beautiful designs created by Allen in his lifetime, including private and public structures. The showing is placed in the north foyer of the Kaysville City Administration Building and a docent is available from 1 – 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during April.
Documented in the exhibit is Allen’s childhood friend, Henry Hooper Blood who went on to become the governor of the state of Utah. Blood was intimately involved with two of the Allen designs which are still standing in Kaysville. The home of Henry and Minnie Blood located in the downtown historical district is one. As bishop of the First Ward, Henry Blood dedicated the second featured building, the Kaysville LDS Tabernacle which is located a block south of Main on Center Street
Other friends were involved in other buildings designed by Allen including the Presbyterian Chapel Church and School, as well as the tabernacle. Presbyterian pastor and his wife mission school teacher, the Reverend and Mrs. Knox. Fellow contractor Frank Hyde received some gifts from Allen which had originally been gifted by the Knox’s. Learn about those connections as new material is added in May.
There are hands-on activities for everyone to enjoy and to honor Allen. The exhibit and QR Code-linked interactive map contain information and fun activites this spring. During April only, two additional activities are to be offered. An Itty Bitty Scavenger Hunt is available for all, and youth up through high school are invited to participate in a Can-do! Building Smack Down.