Kaysville Kinks

June 15, 1890

Kaysville Kinks

June 15, 1890
  • The weather has been very hot during the last few days.
  • Hay-making is in full blast. The farmers are experiencing considerable difficulty in getting help to gather their unusually large crop of lucern.
  • While O. A. Taylor and S. M. Wessels were enjoying an afternoon buggy ride last Sunday their horse became frightened and dashed down the street toward the depot at a lively rate. Both occupants of the vehicle were thrown out, but beyond some painful scratches and bruises, neither was seriously hurt.
  • About 7 o’clock last evening George, the eleven year old son of William Blood, was severely injured by being kicked by a horse.  Dr. W. F. Ingram was called and found that both bones of the right leg had been fractured between the knee and the ankle. He set the bones and left the patient as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances
    KAYSVILLE, June 14, 1890.       M.

source: Kaysville Kinks, Salt Lake Herald Republican, June, 15, 1890, page 5


PHOTO BOOK, KAYSVILLE OUR TOWN: Kaysville Brick and Tile Manufacturing Company circa 1890 – was located on 200 N in the area of Davis Co. Library Kaysville Branch, formerly Clover Club Potato Chip Factory. Clay dug from pits near here. L to R Unknown, John Barker, Joseph Bishop, Amos Bishop (will give a bit more history later)

Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

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Kaysville Kinks

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

“There is sunshine after rain” C. O. Card was in town yesterday. John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday. Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the...

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Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

James Dwyer was up from Salt Lake on business yesterday Charles D. Evans one of the first settlers of Kaysville has been visiting old friends here during the week. A severe dust...

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