Kaysville Kinks


Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

“There is sunshine after rain” C. O. Card was in town yesterday. John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday. Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the street yesterday. County Assessor and Collector Egan, of Bountiful, was hero on official...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

James Dwyer was up from Salt Lake on business yesterday Charles D. Evans one of the first settlers of Kaysville has been visiting old friends here during the week. A severe dust and wind storm struck  the town about 7 o’clock last evening. At times the dust was so...

Kaysville Kinks

Vote! Henry Florence was own for Porterville last Monday. During the fine weather threshing is being pushed rapidly. Registered voters of the People’s party should not forget their duty next Monday. Large numbers of travelers are passing through here on their way...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

John R Barnes went to the carnival city yesterday. Mrs. T. G. Lewis has again opened her Ice cream and confectionery parlors near the postofflce. The clouds of dust that arise with every puff of wind suggest the idea that our main streets should be kept sprinkled....

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

The weather has been very hot during the last few days. Hay-making is in full blast. The farmers are experiencing considerable difficulty in getting help to gather their unusually large crop of lucern. While O. A. Taylor and S. M. Wessels were enjoying an afternoon...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

Only six drummers are in town today soliciting orders for the various firms they represent. R. H. Cottrell is around town today shaking hands with his old friends after an absence of sixteen months. The real estate transfers appear to be few and far between. Our real...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

Agent O. A. Taylor is laid up with erysipelas. The usual monthly conjoint meeting will be held next Sunday evening. All invited. We are having a heavy snow, and the indications, are that we shall again hear the merry jingle of the sleigh bells. A social party at Mrs...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

The Haley Family Comedy and Dramatic company will present The Blacksmiths Oath at the Music hall Monday evening. Veterinary Surgeon Richards of Salt Sake city came up on Tuesday on professional business. Some members of the family J.R. Barnes a few days ago were...

Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville Kinks

Hon. Joseph Barton and family together with a number of their friends left here to-day for an outing in Ogden canon. There is considerable sickness here at present. Miss Carrie Burton who has been dangerously ill for some time, has taken a slight change, and her...